More on Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 34981 ROA: The Curriculum

Recently I have written a blogpost about vols. 10 and 11 in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 34981 ROA, a 20-volume manuscript falling under what I call the "literary miscellany" genre of Manchu-Chinese bilingual manuscripts. On a separate occasion and for the Manchu Studies Group blog I wrote about a grammatical text in a student's notebook in… Continue reading More on Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin 34981 ROA: The Curriculum

The Preface of Manju nikan-i yangsanggai acamjaha ucun

The search for Manchu "autochthonous" poetry, which preoccupied the late Professor Giovanni Stary, was destined to be a herculean task, it being clear that the historical Manchus were (pace Herder) much more interested in the creative possibilities afforded by cultural multiplicity rather than in an "authentic" expression grounded in linguistic purity. But the dive into… Continue reading The Preface of Manju nikan-i yangsanggai acamjaha ucun